Tuesday 7 May 2013

Layout references

following on from my finalised character I've created a pose sheet to show just a few actions he might take.

Adventurer Final design

So here it is. The final design for my Adventurer. As oppose to my old concepts, I've settled on a simpler, more refined shape. I've also gone for more ergonomic line work that flow with each other. I chose reds and beige for his costume as I feel these are warmer colours and more welcoming to the audience.  

facial model sheet

Still following the knights armour path, I've decided to further exaggerate his posture and proportion to give a hulking feel to the character. This is also to give him a sense of arrogance as walks.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Final Design

So this is my final design for my character. I've taken the best from both of my previous concepts and simplified the line-work for possible animating purposes. I've chosen dull colours for the clothing to give the indication of age and his skin an off-grey colour.

Turnaround Second Concept

I felt my previous design had a few too many unnecessary lines in its structure and so I've simplified it further. However I'm not sure I like how upright this one is, or if I've overcomplicated the clothing.

Hand and Eyes

Costume Designs

Turnaround First Attempt

Genndy Tartakovsky

While following artists who specialise in character creation and animation, I found Genndy Tartakovsky; the animator responsible for Samurai Jack, Dexter's Laboratory, Star Wars The Clone Wars 2003, Hotel Transylvania etc. I am very interested in this art style. Its very graphic, and uses angular and ergonomic shapes to create a simple yet extremely effective art style.

More Research

This model sheet from Disneys Aladdin is a perfect example of of the different shapes I can build from when designing a character. I'm sure this will become very useful as a reference when making my own. 

Monday 4 February 2013

Character Re-analysis

After sketching out some ideas for bat-like creatures, I found myself disliking my idea heavily and so I've rethought the character entirely. I am now thinking of a gaunt and blind old man. I want him to have slow sweeping movements around the room so that there's no doubt he controls the situation.

I want him to be tall yet skinny with ragged clothing and a greyish toned skin. this will amplify the withered and aged look I hope to achieve. I plan to elongate his fingers so that when he grasps an object it is engulfed completely. This should hopefully aid the idea of his need to control and own things. I like the idea of making his robes drape from his arms in a wing-like fashion, almost giving an animal characteristic.

Monday 28 January 2013

Head Concepts

So I've begun initial concepts and sketches of what my character shall look like. Above you'll see various features and additions to the head; each create an entirely different personality. I've had a lot of fun just playing with ideas and enjoyed seeing what i can produce.

Thursday 24 January 2013

head and neck shape redesign

After talking to Peter I decided to rethink the shapes of my head and neck; I wanted to get a better sense of dominance from my character and so I've created more of an ark on the neck so that the character looks down on others. This will create a smoother shape. For better and easier animation I've simplified the head shape as well.